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(208) 333-3366
Featured / 1.02.2022

Hit-and-run Car Accident: What to Do

If you’ve ever been in a hit-and-run accident, you know how terrifying it can be. The person who caused the accident isn’t around to take responsibility, and there’s no one else around to help. It’s totally up to you what to do next.

Be sure to contact Idaho Car Accident Lawyers right away if you’ve been injured in a hit-and-run car accident and never admit anything before talking with them first because it can make things much harder for you down the road. Here are some tips on what not to do after being involved in a hit-and-run car accident:

Call the police

Call the police immediately because they will help you figure out what happened and who is at fault. This way, your car accident report can be completed accurately so that no one else ends up being held responsible for something they didn’t do.

The police are also extremely helpful when finding witnesses or catching the person who did it.

Call Your Lawyer

Call your Idaho lawyer as soon as possible because you never know who will be coming forward later on with something that makes it look like the accident was your fault.

The insurance company might try and settle quickly before an investigation occurs, so make sure someone is there to help fight for what’s right, especially if it involves injuries.

Call Your Insurance Company

The last thing you want to do is not report the accident immediately because by doing so, you’ll be putting yourself at risk for having no coverage when something goes wrong later on down the road, including injuries or property damage.

Your car insurance company will help get everything sorted out and your car fixed.

Gather Information

Be sure to get contact information from any witnesses or anyone who may have seen what happened. You never know if the person who hit you will return, so you must try and gather as much info as possible about what happened in your accident, including:

  • Names
  • Address
  • Phone numbers of potential eyewitnesses 
  • Photos of the scene

Don’t Admit Fault to Your Car Insurance Company 

Even though it’s tempting, always try and keep yourself out of trouble while working on sorting out your accident. Your claims agent is there to help get everything sorted for you, so you don’t have to do any of the work.

Don’t admit fault or sign anything from your car insurance company without talking with a lawyer first.

In some cases, claims agents may try and get you to admit something that will make it difficult for you down the road. Especially if there are injuries involved, be careful with what you sign.

Don’t Post Anything to Social Media About The Accident 

No matter how much you want to vent or talk about your car accident, try to avoid posting things online, especially photos that could be used against you later. That goes for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. The last thing you want is to be hit with a lawsuit because of something stupid that you posted online.

After being involved in a hit-and-run car accident, the most important thing to do is not to admit fault for anything before you talk with your insurance company or lawyer. This way, you can ensure no one else ends up being held responsible for something they didn’t do. Don’t make any statements until everything has been sorted out.

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