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(208) 333-3366

Boise Premises Liability Lawyers

Serving Those Injured on Someone Else's Property Throughout Idaho

When you’re doing business around Boise, shopping with family and friends, or simply getting some fresh air, you have the right to expect that the establishments you enter are safe.

If you’ve been injured because of a hazardous condition at a business or another property, you have the right to receive full compensation. This includes payment of your lost wages, medical expenses, and other expenses you may have suffered as the result of the accident.

Litster Frost Is Here For You

Litster Frost Injury Lawyers is here for you. Our practice is dedicated to people who have been injured in accidents. Unlike other law firms, we don’t have to worry about losing corporate clients if we go after a big business. Our only interest is in helping you seek the full amount you’re entitled to. Contact us now to find out what your case is worth and to schedule a free consultation.


  • Inadequate Maintenance
  • Weather
  • Lack of Security
  • Other Visitors

Inadequate Maintenance

Defective furniture or equipment could pose a risk to property visitors. Inadequate maintenance also leads to worn-out stairs, shelves, roofing, and the like.

* While these are not the only contributing conditions, these are very common.


Report It

Immediately notify the manager if you’re injured at a business. Many people leave quickly out of embarrassment and may not even realize they’re seriously hurt. However, it’s important to alert the business so that they may document the accident and take steps to prevent anyone else from getting hurt.

Collect Evidence

Since the business will hopefully try to quickly correct any unsafe conditions, you should also take photos and videos of the hazard if you’re able to do so.

Seek Medical Attention

Putting off medical attention will only endanger your claim. See a physician as soon as possible, and make sure to thoroughly explain the cause of your injuries for your records.

Make a Claim

Many reputable businesses will reimburse your costs if you give them your medical bills for your injury. Other businesses, however, may dispute the amount of damages you are claiming or even that you were hurt on their premises at all. Additionally, at places like shopping centers, there may be a question of whether the property owner, individual business, or management company is responsible.


Hazard Prevention

Premises liability is the responsibility that a business or property owner has to make sure their premises are safe. This responsibility includes taking steps to prevent potential dangers such as falling objects or exposed machinery.


The property owner must regularly maintain and inspect all areas that are open to the public or where the public could be reasonably expected to enter.

Monitoring for Hazards

The property owner is not always directly responsible for the hazard, and sometimes hazards aren’t preventable. However, property owners are responsible for monitoring their properties so that they can become aware of any hazards within a reasonable time frame regardless of the cause.

Owners must also quickly correct any unsafe conditions or post adequate warnings to protect the public until they’re able to make a repair.

Serving Those Injured on Someone Else's Property Throughout Idaho

When you’re doing business around Boise, shopping with family and friends, or simply getting some fresh air, you have the right to expect that the establishments you enter are safe.

If you’ve been injured because of a hazardous condition at a business or another property, you have the right to receive full compensation. This includes payment of your lost wages, medical expenses, and other expenses you may have suffered as the result of the accident.

Litster Frost Is Here For You

Litster Frost Injury Lawyers is here for you. Our practice is dedicated to people who have been injured in accidents. Unlike other law firms, we don’t have to worry about losing corporate clients if we go after a big business. Our only interest is in helping you seek the full amount you’re entitled to. Contact us now to find out what your case is worth and to schedule a free consultation.


  • Inadequate Maintenance
  • Weather
  • Lack of Security
  • Other Visitors

Inadequate Maintenance

Defective furniture or equipment could pose a risk to property visitors. Inadequate maintenance also leads to worn-out stairs, shelves, roofing, and the like.

* While these are not the only contributing conditions, these are very common.


Report It

Immediately notify the manager if you’re injured at a business. Many people leave quickly out of embarrassment and may not even realize they’re seriously hurt. However, it’s important to alert the business so that they may document the accident and take steps to prevent anyone else from getting hurt.

Collect Evidence

Since the business will hopefully try to quickly correct any unsafe conditions, you should also take photos and videos of the hazard if you’re able to do so.

Seek Medical Attention

Putting off medical attention will only endanger your claim. See a physician as soon as possible, and make sure to thoroughly explain the cause of your injuries for your records.

Make a Claim

Many reputable businesses will reimburse your costs if you give them your medical bills for your injury. Other businesses, however, may dispute the amount of damages you are claiming or even that you were hurt on their premises at all. Additionally, at places like shopping centers, there may be a question of whether the property owner, individual business, or management company is responsible.


Hazard Prevention

Premises liability is the responsibility that a business or property owner has to make sure their premises are safe. This responsibility includes taking steps to prevent potential dangers such as falling objects or exposed machinery.


The property owner must regularly maintain and inspect all areas that are open to the public or where the public could be reasonably expected to enter.

Monitoring for Hazards

The property owner is not always directly responsible for the hazard, and sometimes hazards aren’t preventable. However, property owners are responsible for monitoring their properties so that they can become aware of any hazards within a reasonable time frame regardless of the cause.

Owners must also quickly correct any unsafe conditions or post adequate warnings to protect the public until they’re able to make a repair.

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We are Idahoan, and we represent our people. Our attorneys stand ready to adeptly represent your interests, navigating the complexities of your case every step of the way.

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