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(208) 333-3366
Personal Injury / 12.29.2021

What Happens if You Are Not at Fault in a Car Accident

If you are in a car accident, you may think that it is your fault. But what if it isn’t? You have the right to know who is at fault. If you are not at fault for an accident in Idaho, you will recover damages from the other party involved in the accident.

It can also help cover lost wages due to being off work following an injury sustained during a car crash. Knowing where liability lies after a wreck can give you peace of mind when dealing with insurance companies and pursuing legal action with experienced Idaho Car Accident Lawyers against those responsible for your injuries.

Call The Police

If you are not at fault in a car accident, it is crucial to call the police. The police will come and file an accident report. The information gathered from both parties involved can be used for your insurance claim or lawsuit if applicable.

It could also help determine who was at fault so that all parties can be safe on the road.

Call Your Insurance Company

The next thing to do is call your insurance company if you have auto insurance for this accident. Even though it may seem like a hassle, calling your insurer will help ensure that your claim gets processed correctly and promptly.

The sooner you file an initial report with them, the better chance you have of getting your car repaired quickly. Also, if you are not at fault for the accident, then filing a claim will likely help lower your insurance premiums over time.

Seek Medical Attention Immediately

If you are in any pain, then seek medical attention immediately. You will need to have a doctor fill out your treatment form and send it to the insurance company with pictures of your injuries if applicable. You can use it to prove you were injured due to an accident. And not because of pre-existing conditions or other reasons.

Keep Receipts for Your Expenses

Make sure to keep all of the relevant documents to get reimbursed by your insurance company. These include:

  • Car rental receipts 
  • Taxi fares
  • Medical treatment records like appointments or X-rays

It would help if you also took pictures of any damage done to your vehicle before you get it fixed.

Request The Other Party’s Insurance Information

If you were not at fault, it is your right to request that the other person provide their insurance information for processing. If they refuse or if there was no third party involved and only property damage, ask them to send a letter on company stationery detailing what happened and how much it will cost to fix.

Call Your Lawyer Immediately

It is important to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. The sooner they can begin work on your case, the better chance you will get compensated for any damages done. Legal representation will help ensure that your rights are protected. They will communicate with insurance companies or the other party’s lawyers to negotiate an acceptable settlement.

It is essential to know what to do if you are not at fault in a car accident. If you have been injured or your vehicle has sustained damage, the best thing you can do is contact an experienced Idaho car accident attorney immediately. They will be able to start working on your claim right away and ensure that all of your rights are protected.

Call Today! (208) 333-3366

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