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(208) 333-3366
Featured / 12.27.2021

Personal Injury Trial: What to Expect

A trial is one of the most stressful events that you will ever go through. With so much at stake, it can be challenging to know what to expect. If you live in Idaho, contact Idaho Personal Injury Lawyers to help prepare you for your subsequent personal injury trial, from courtroom etiquette to understanding jury selection.

A complete personal injury trial involves six main phases. They include:

Preliminary Stage

The first of these is the filing and service of court documents. It is the first time you see your opponent in court, and it can be a nerve-racking experience for many people.

During this phase, both parties must disclose all relevant information related to their case so that each party has ample opportunity to prepare their prior argument trial by exchanging documents called “discovery.”

In addition, both sides will file written arguments with the court regarding any motions. This phase may end before or during trial preparation.

Choosing a Jury

The process of choosing a jury can be stressful and time-consuming for many participants. 

Before you even get started, everyone must understand this isn’t about finding an impartial jury. 

The goal is to find a jury that will listen and learn about your case while maintaining an open mind throughout the trial process.

The best way to go about this is by ensuring you have six people who are unbiased but willing to be open-minded during their service on your injury trial team.

Opening Statement

After selecting the jury, both sides will have a chance to present opening statements. These are meant as “a preview of what each side believes is important and why.” It’s an opportunity to make your case about how much the trial means to you and anyone involved.

Witness Testimony And Cross-Examination

After you have presented your opening statements, both sides will continue to give evidence and witness testimony.

In many cases, this can be an opportunity for lawyers from each side to question witnesses to get more information about their case. 

The process could go on for hours, and it’s crucial that you don’t become overwhelmed by what is taking place. Once all testimony has been presented, each side will then present closing arguments. This is an opportunity for both sides to summarize what they have presented throughout the trial process and try and persuade jurors of how important your case is.

Jury Deliberation And Verdict

After hearing all testimony from each witness, it’s time for jury deliberations to begin. This is when jurors start discussing what they have learned throughout the trial and come to a verdict for your injury case.

The best thing you can do at this point is to wait patiently and trust that everything has been done correctly on both sides of your case.

Post-Trial Motion And Sentencing

Once the jury has come to a verdict, both sides will discuss what happens next. This may include post-trial motions or sentencing. If found not liable for your case, this is where things get wrapped up, and you get the maximum compensation for your losses.

If you are found liable for the case, you may have to pay restitution for the damages you caused. It could also mean additional fees or fines depending on what has been ordered by the court.

It is crucial to understand that you aren’t alone in this personal injury trial process. There are professionals available who can help guide you through the tough times and help make things a bit easier for your own sake.

Call Today! (208) 333-3366

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